Cari Blog Ini

25 Percent of Birth Without Medical Aid

Written By TT on Friday, July 9, 2010 | 6:46 PM

More than 25 percent of deliveries carried out without the help of health workers, this contributes to high maternal mortality in Indonesia. This is partly because the number of midwives in the villages are still lacking, so the mothers, especially in remote areas, border and island areas, it is difficult to reach service delivery.

"Delivery of health workers who helped as much as 74.87 percent, still need special attention in order to achieve a target of 90 percent in 2015," said Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, in a written speech read by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health Ratna Rosita after signing an agreement on gender mainstreaming in Jakarta , Wednesday (12/5).

According to data of Maternal Health Directorate Ministry of Health in 2007 the number of registered midwives 53 273 people while the number of existing villages throughout Indonesia for more than 70 thousand. Birth without the help of health professionals involved to contribute to maternal mortality is still high, 228 per 100 thousand live births, according to the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) Year 2007.

In his opening remarks mentioned, the government tried to reduce maternal mortality to 102 per 100 thousand live births in 2015 to improve access to service delivery by health personnel.

These efforts, among others, was done by multiplying the number of health centers that can provide basic emergency obstetric and neonatal hospital providing comprehensive emergency obstetric neonates.

Health Ministry data shows the year 2007 the number of health centers that category Uncategorized 1290 while the hospital is as much as 183 units. "In addition we also assigned the midwife temporary employees to the area to cover the needs of the village midwife while," he said.

Ina added that the government sent a team of health workers composed of physicians, specialists, midwives and nurses to the health problem areas to quality health services closer to communities, including service delivery. Also enhanced the skills of midwives and midwife facilitated partnerships and shamans.

"Shaman bear hug to partner with a midwife, assisting midwives. They are trained to recognize danger signs of labor and convey information about the problem to the midwife. We are also planning to provide knowledge about breastfeeding and early initiation of breastfeeding to the shamans so they can deliver it to pregnant mothers in their environment , "said Ina Hernawati.


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