Cari Blog Ini

I Have a Few Questions For Ya...

Written By TT on Monday, October 19, 2009 | 5:26 AM

Hi Everyone,
This is Hallie, our tortoiseshell cat. These pictures of her have no purpose in this post, just wanted to show you what we have to deal with. This is how she sleeps in our bedroom or how she hangs out on the back of our office chair. She is like no other cat we've had before. She. Is. Nuts...I won't even get into the stories with you, just thought I would share the pictures.
Now onto a few blogging questions that I have.

  • What is the "Friends" button under the "Followers" icon. I thought I was friends with all of you? Should I be doing something with that button every time I become a follower on some one's blog? I have 7 "Friends" right now...Hi girls!! Thanks for being my friend!

  • Next, where do you store all you blog photos, once you download them off your camera? I store them on my computer in the "My Pictures" section. It is ridiculously full right now. Which leads me into my next question...

  • Do you delete a picture from where ever you store it, once you have put it on your blog or do you keep it..."just in case". You know those "just in case" things, like that tiny scrap of Moda fabric that you're saving "just in case" you get inspired to do applique some day and need that little piece of red fabric for a berry on a Christmas wreath or that empty hot chocolate container that you saved "just in case" you feel the need to peel off the label, soak it in hot water for hours and have a cute stainless steel container to store more junk in. Ok, I got way off base from the question. Go back and read it again.

  • Why can't I "copy and paste" something from some where else. For example, I had permission from some one's blog (that I was sharing with all of you), to use her description of her blog. I went to her blog, high lighted the long description, right clicked on it and clicked "copy". Now, when I go back to my blog post and right click where I want to "paste" it, it won't let me. Why? Is it a copy right issue...because I had permission from her, not that the computer knows that or anything.

  • and my last one for now, because I know there will be more at some point...Has anyone used the "monetize" button on your blog? It's up there on the top of your dashboard. If you click on it, it will explain Adsense. It's a way for advertisers to post on your blog and you get money from them. My questions much money do you really get? do other bloggers really click on those advertisements? Do you like just a simple, personal blog with no advertising at all? I've had a few different companies email me about advertising on my blog, because of the number of followers...I'm not so sure. What do you think? I think it's one more thing for me to think about and that I don't need!!

Ok, that it's for now. If I get any comments from this post, I can't guarantee I can get back to you soon. Monday is my late night to work and then I work early Tuesday morning. Don't think I am ignoring you, but it might not be until Wednesday when I can get back to you.

Thanks in advance for all your help,



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