I think I mentioned before that Kelsie is going as Belle from Beauty and The Beast to her Senior Halloween party. She wants a short party dress rather than the full length ball gown. For some reason making this dress was like a Halloween nightmare in itself. It's not like I haven't sewn clothes before. I did it all the time...just not lately. It's like riding a bike right? WRONG!
Here's a list:
- yellow satin frays like there is no tomorrow (right through a stitched seam) It disappeared right before my eyes into a pile of threads
- try not to sew the front skirt into the zipper in the back it will leave a mark!
- careful when you are snipping threads...try not to snip a triangular hole in the front of the skirt.
- trying to hem a satin skirt that is fraying is like trying to hem the hair on your head
- and sewing over a metal zipper will break your needle
Thankfully, I have Kelsie's comforting words of wisdom..."Mom, it's only a costume it doesn't have to be perfect". I love her!!
If I'm brave enough next week, I'll take a picture of her in full costume...maybe.
Now onto a very fast Tool Time Tuesday:
Take a zipper...

open it...

and make a bow for that special someone who likes to sew.

This was a little fat quarter gifty. I didn't have a ribbon to match the fabric, so this zipper was just perfect.

It's like a 2 for 1. It's a bow and then she can use the zipper after. Plus you're going green, so that's a 3 for 1.
Hope you like this one...I'm going to "zip" off to bed now.
Have a great Tuesday,
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