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Healthy Life With Tomatoes

Written By TT on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 | 4:21 AM

ALTHOUGH cheap, nutrient-rich tomatoes. In the outer layer is lycopene, an antioxidant that can prevent various types of cancer. Can also be processed into a variety of drinks and fresh food that could shake up the tongue.

Tomatoes are by botanists called Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, is a plant of the Solanaceae family, which is blooming like a trumpet. Tomato plants, including one year (annual) which means that old one-time only for the harvest period. This plant shrubs or bushes shaped length can reach 2 meters. Stem form to a round square. there is a gap of pinnate leaves without leaf buffer.

The shape, color, taste, and texture of tomatoes is very diverse. There is a round, round, flat, curly, or like a light bulb. Ripe fruit colors vary from yellow, orange, to red, depending on the type of the dominant pigment. It was also varied, from sour to sweet. The fruit-bunches are arranged in bunches. Overall fleshy fruits and are loaded with water.

Various varieties
Some basic varieties used to distinguish among them tomato shape, stem, thickness of meat, and water content. Based on the shape or appearance, tomatoes are classified as follows:

1. Ordinary tomatoes (Lycopersicum commune)
Form of flat round fruit, soft, irregular, and slightly grooved near the stem.

2. Apples Tomato (Lycopersicum pyriforme)
Shape of a round, compact, a little hard to resemble an apple.

3. Potato Tomato (Lycopersicum grandifolium)
Fruit is round, large, compact, with smaller sizes of tomatoes apples.

4. Curly tomato (Lycopersicum validum)
Slightly oval-shaped fruit, hard. The leaves are thick curly and dark green.


Tomatoes can be used either in fresh or in processed form. In the form of fresh, tomatoes are often used as a food supplement ingredients (vegetables), for salads, sandwiches, chili, and so on.

In the form of processed tomatoes can be made into various kinds of canned products, such as whole tomatoes, tomato slices, sauce, and puree. In addition, you can make fruit juice and concentrated to produce tomato paste.

So far the results have been processed tomatoes are widely known by the public is fruit juice and tomato sauce. Fruit juice (fruit juice) is a liquid that does not undergo a process of fermentation, but obtained from the pressing process the fresh fruit and ripe. Processing of tomatoes into juice, but can produce a more durable product, is also a practical beverage, delicious and refreshing taste, is also beneficial to health.

Tomato sauce used for flavoring food. Making the sauce is done by evaporating some of the water from which the fruit juice viscosity desired. Into the fruit juice concentrates are added to a variety of savory seasonings. In order to become more thick sauce, often also added starches and other thickening.

Rich in Vitamin C and A

Tomatoes, both fresh and processed form, has a nutrient composition of a complete and good enough. Tomato fruit consists of 5-10 per cent of dry weight without water and 1 percent of the skin and seeds. If dried tomatoes, about 50 percent of the dry weight of reducing sugars (mainly glucose and fructose), the remaining organic acids, minerals, pigments, vitamins, and lipids.

Tomatoes can be classified as a source of vitamin C are very good (excellent) for 100 grams of tomato filled 20 percent or more of vitamin C daily needs. Vitamin C to maintain healthy teeth and gums, speeding up wound recovery, prevent disease Scurvy (skorbut), and avoid the occurrence of smooth vascular hemorrhage.

In addition, tomatoes are also a source of vitamin A is good (good) for 100 grams of tomatoes may contribute about 10-20 percent of daily vitamin A requirement. Vitamin A is necessary for the health of the organ of vision, the immune system, growth, and reproduction. Vitamin A and C in tomatoes is also efficacious as an antioxidant.

Tomato juice contains vitamins and minerals are fairly complete. 100 grams of tomato juice will be obtained 7 mg of calcium, phosphorus 15 mg, 0.9 mg iron, 230 mg sodium, and potassium 230 mg. Vitamins contained in 100 grams of tomato juice is a vitamin A (1050 IU), vitamin B1 (0.05 mg), vitamin B2 (0.03 mg), and vitamin C (16 mg).

High lycopene content of
Tomatoes contain lycopene high. Lycopene is a pigment that causes red tomatoes. Like beta-carotene, lycopene belongs to the carotenoid group. There have been many studies that reveal the health benefits of lycopene.

Lycopene are known to have antioxidant capabilities and can protect the body against various diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Crushed tomatoes or cooked is the source of lycopene is better than raw tomatoes.

For example, the amount of lycopene in tomato juice can reach five times more than in fresh tomatoes. The researchers speculate, cooked tomatoes or destroyed may issue more lycopene, which is easily absorbed body.

Lycopene found in tomato cell wall. Therefore, with a little cooking oil could be released this component. In addition, cooking tomatoes with olive oil (olive oil) allows the body to absorb lycopene better (Ahuja et al., 2003).

Phenolic component is also important compounds in tomatoes potential, although in fewer numbers. This component provides a beneficial effect. Recently known that tomato puree (tomato destruction), contain small amounts of compounds called routine. Routine compounds can be absorbed and utilized properly by the body.

Author: Prof.Dr. Made Astawan, Lecturer at the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition-IPB

From : Healthy Life


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