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8 Tips How to Avoid Elephant Foot Disease

Written By TT on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 | 11:36 PM

Elephantiasis is a disease due to filaria worm larvae are transmitted by mosquitoes, either house mosquito, sewer, forest or swamp. Find out how to avoid it because if you've already got and feet swollen like an elephant's hard to go back to normal and endure a lifetime.

"Elephant foot disease is a disease that is very scary, because in addition to disrupt the appearance and difficult activities, patients also usually have a bad stigma from the environment," said internist, "Prof. Nelwan SpPD" in a press conference the results of investigation of filariasis cases in the building of the Department of Health Indonesia, Jakarta.

"But the public needs to know is, someone who has suffered from elephantiasis, or whose feet had swollen extraordinary, can not transmit the disease again. It is precisely those who appeared healthy and had experienced swelling, but no larvae mikrofilaria can transmit the disease to others, "said Dr Solah, epidemiologist who was also present on the occasion.

The problem is, we can never know any healthy person who is infected larvae mikrofilaria. And every day the mosquitoes hanging around us. Therefore, the person best advised to avoid mosquito bites everywhere.

Meanwhile, experts parasitology "Prof. Saleha Sungkar, MD, DAP & E, MS" saying that the cause of elephantiasis is not itself a filaria worm larvae, but the child's filaria worm, called mikrofilaria larvae.
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