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Benefits of Tomatoes for Health and Beauty

Written By TT on Monday, March 15, 2010 | 7:48 AM

Tomatoes, all people must know the fruit of this one. Fruit in Latin known as Licopersicum esculentum. Without any known fruit this season turned out to contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to health. Various studies have shown, tomatoes beneficial to heart health and free radical stress.

Many tomato fruit varieties, such as tomato sized fruit, vegetable tomato with smaller sizes and cherry tomatoes the size of marbles. Whatever the type, tomatoes contain nutritional elements are almost the same, which is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients substances.

Rich Anti-oxidant

Another specialty is the height of tomato fruit lycopene content. In addition to providing the red color in tomatoes, lycopene proved to be effective as antioxidants. Lycopene may also reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, stomach, throat and colon. Klorogenat acids and p-kumarat acid in the tomatoes can weaken the cancer-causing nitrosamines substances. Vitamin A is contained in tomatoes is very good for eye health.

Tomatoes are also widely used in the beauty industry, a lot of masks and anti-aging pill that tomato-based. Not without reason, pigment lycopene was proved to be effective as an antioxidant. Other substances such as "tomatin" in the tomato is as anti-inflammatory, which can heal wounds and acne. If you have a fever, tomato also has antipyretic properties aka lowering fever. While high fiber in the tomato to overcome digestive disorders like constipation and hemorrhoids.

Prevent blood clotting

Benefits of tomatoes actually in careful long ago, such as research DR. John Cook Bennett from Wiloughby University, Ohio, conducted in November 1834. His research shows tomatoes can treat indigestion, diarrhea, restore liver function and bile attacks. Other researchers from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland, found a yellow gel surrounding tomato seeds can prevent clotting and blood clots cause strokes and heart disease. Tomatoes are also able to restore impotency and increase the number of sperm and increase agility movements.

Better cooked

Consuming tomatoes should be cooked first. As revealed from the research world food agency FAO-WHO. The results of this study indicate if the institution of lycopene content was not damaged and there were not much changed during heating. Even lycopene content will increase 10-fold when processed into tomato sauce or tomato paste.

Lycopene is a carotenoid part of the fat-soluble, but lycopene is fat soluble it difficult to absorb by the body. Therefore, the recommended way of processing tomatoes in boiled or steamed. Should choose to consume the organic tomatoes. Organic tomatoes are healthier because it is free from chemical residues, both from fertilizers and pesticides. Tomatoes from the organic results is also higher calcium content, about 23 mg compared unorganic tomato contains only 5 mg of calcium. Text & Photo: Budi Sutomo

Cooked first is Better

Table Gynecology Nutrition Tomato/100 g
Ripe Tomatoes
Calories 20 cal
Protein 1.0 g
0.3 g fat
4.2 g carbohydrate
Calcium 5 mg
Vitamin A 1500 SI
Viamin C 40 mg

The results of other studies on Tomato:

Some British researchers have found that adding the cooked tomatoes into your diet every day increases the skin's ability to protect themselves from ultra-violet rays are harmful. Image Alt Researchers at the University of Manchester and University of Newcastle found that adding five tablespoons of tomato paste to the daily diet of 10 volunteers can help avoid skin damage by providing protection against the effects of ultra-violet rays.

As in the know, the damage caused by these rays can cause premature aging and even skin cancer.

In the study, researchers gave 10 volunteers as much as 55 grams of standard tomato paste containing ingredients cooked tomatoes and olive oil 10 grams per day, while another 10 participants are given only olive oil. After three months, skin samples from the tomato group showed they were given a 33% extra protection from sunburn, with very little cream factor of sun protection, and prokolagen level much higher. Prokolagen are molecules that make up the skin and keep it supple.

The study showed a strong antioxidant lycopene found in most high concentration when tomatoes are cooked, was behind the apparent benefits.

"Eating tomatoes increases significantly prokolagen levels in the skin. This increase indicates the potential reversal of skin aging process, "said Lesley Rhodes, dermatologist at the University of Manchester.

But the researchers warned that tomatoes should be viewed as a useful addition and not as a choice for the cream of sun protection.

Researchers said the study was smaller and shorter, and they are now considering new research about the benefits of lycopene for the skin.



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