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This Past Week Was A Blur....

Written By TT on Monday, April 5, 2010 | 5:42 PM

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We had both sides of the family over for a big egg hunt and a delicious ham dinner. This Easter was beautiful, but felt a little different this year.
The northeast was hit hard by 2 large rain storms in March, the biggest one was last Tuesday with over 8 inches of rain. The rivers, lakes and ponds couldn't handle the amount of water from the first storm, so 8 inches just sent them over the edge.
Here in Rhode Island several towns are devastated. We live in the southern part of the state which was hit pretty hard when the river broke it's banks in several sections of town...some parts are still under water. We've had the Governor and the head of Homeland Security here to inspect the damages, especially the bridges that were weakened by the rush of the water. People have been evacuated and can't get back into their homes. The town was without power because a substation was under 8 feet of water. Thankfully our power company built a temporary one to get the town back on line.
We were very lucky and only had 2 inches of water in our basement. The water was coming in through the cement floor from the high water table. It was just a matter of pumping it out and my poor husband using a shop vac for 2 straight days. We are very experienced at floods...remember our past 5 (yes 5!) floods with "Father Nature". Father Nature, for those of you who don't remember or who are new to my blog, is my very forgetful 86 year old father who lives with us. He has left sinks on for hours, broken dishwashers and over-stuffed washing machines. We are very experienced with water and floods!!!
These pictures below are not mine. They are from the Internet. There are so many videos too, but I thought theses were just incredible.
This first shot is a section of Route 95, which is a major highway from Maine to Florida. Several sections were closed for a few days. The buildings to the right and left of the highway are under water.

This next shot is a section of track that Amtrak and Acela travel on from Boston to New York and DC.

These last pictures are the most shocking with just the sheer magnitude of water. This mall is about 30 miles north of us. I just saw a report on this evenings news that today was the first time they were able to enter and see the damage inside. There was 2 feet of water throughout the entire mall...from Macy's to end to the other.

Many people have lost their homes, businesses and their jobs. Please keep them in your prayers and send good thoughts this way that this beautiful weather we've had these past few days is here to stay.
Take care,


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