Cari Blog Ini


Written By TT on Monday, July 5, 2010 | 10:40 PM

Hemorrhoid is a widening of the veins in the plexus hemorroidalis which did not constitute pathological conditions. Hemorrhoid is a submucosal swelling in the anal canal that contain 'venous plexus', the small arteries, and the widened areola tissue.

Hemorrhoid, ambein, or hemorrhoids can be experienced by anyone. However, patients often feel embarrassed or considered not important then the lack of attention to this health disorder. In anatomy hemorrhoid is not a disease, but the physiological changes that occur in blood vessels in the anal pads, such as widening and swelling of blood vessels and surrounding tissue.

These bearings function as a valve / valves that help the muscles in the rectum to hold feces. If there is interference (dams) blood flow, the blood vessels will expand and swell, a condition termed haemorrhoid.

Generally speaking, hemorrhoid divided into two Haemorrhoid Haemorrhoid Internal and external.

1. Internal hemorrhoid,

swelling occurs in the rectum that can not be seen or touched. This type of swelling is painless because there are few nerves in the rectal area. Signs that can be known is bleeding when defecating. The problem is not so simple anymore, if an internal hemorrhoid is enlarged and out onto the lips anus that causes pain. Hemorrhoid seen this pink after recovery can go myself, but it could also be encouraged entry.

2. External haemorrhoid,

attacked the anus, causing pain, burning, and itching. If pushed out by the feces, haemorrhoid can cause clotting (thrombosis), which makes the pile of blue-purple.


Increased venous pressure caused by sediment (low-fiber diet) or hemodynamic changes (during pregnancy) causes chronic dilatation of the submucosal venous plexus. Found at 3 o'clock position, 7, and 11 in the anal canal.

In addition Hemorrhoid also due to:

1. Heredity
2. Pregnancy because of hormonal changes
3. Obstipasi (constipation) are chronic.
4. Disease that causes sufferers often push, for example: benign prostate enlargement or prostate kenker, a narrowing of the urinary tract, and frequent childbearing.
5. The emphasis of return flow of venous blood, such as anal cancer, rectal inflammation, narrowing of the anus, the increase in portal vein pressure (in the abdominal cavity), liver cirrhosis type (contract), a weak heart, and spleen were swollen.
6. Many sat.
7. Chronic diarrhea.
8. Stretch. This example happens to someone who likes to have sex is not normal anogenital.


1. Rectal bleeding, blood coming out can be a trickle but can also be streamed, pink blood, patients usually do not feel sick.
2. Sense of propping, after 'defecate' no sensation of taste scotch, these conditions create the impression that the process of 'bowel' is not over, so that someone more powerful push, this action makes more severe hemorrhoid.
3. Itching, because part of that feels pain in the rectum is difficult to clean, the virus will very easily cause skin infections that trigger a itch sense)


This occurs in pregnant women due to pressure on the venous Hemorrhoid fetal growth. Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to suffer hemorrhoid due to rising levels of pregnancy hormones that weaken vein walls in the anus. Many pregnant women who suffer from hemorrhoid after the sixth month of pregnancy due to an increased venous pressure in the pelvic area.

Some pregnant women also experience hemorrhoid during the delivery process due to the strong pressure of the baby. Complications after giving birth also sparked haemorrhoid. For example, soft vagina and the rectum often cause the mother postpone defecation, thus triggering the occurrence of constipation and hemorrhoids)

Clinical Sign

1. Degrees I: fresh red bleeding without pain and itching.
2. Degrees II: Bleeding, prominence, pain, and repositioning of the cuff.
3. Degrees III: haemorrhage, prominent, very painful, and repositioning of the manual.
4. Degrees IV: Bleeding, bumps and equipment, continuous pain, and can not be repositioned.


1. Blood in the anus.
2. Prolapse.
3. Uncomfortable feeling in the anus (probably puritus anus).
4. Expenditure mucus.
5. Anemia secondary (maybe).
6. Abnormalities visible on a typical inspection.
7. Typical picture of the anoskopi / rektoskopi)

Examination of hemorrhoids

Before treatment can be done, it needs careful examination.
1. Diagnose or disease history.
2. Physical examination is the inspection and rektaltouche (digital rectal).
3. Inspection with binoculars is anuskopi or Proctoscopy and rektoskopi.
4. Roentgen (inloop colon) and / or colonoscopy.
5. Blood tests, urine, feces as examination penunjang.3)

Prevention of hemorrhoids

There are many things you can do to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoid recurrence. Among them:

1. Avoid pushing too strong when a bowel movement.
2. Prevent constipation by eating lots of fiber-rich foods (vegetables and fruits and nuts) as well as plenty to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to smooth bowel movements.
3. Immediately to the rear if the intention CHAPTER appear, do not procrastinate before the feces become hard.
4. Eat vegetables and fruits a lot.
5. Reduce consumption of chillies and spicy food.
6. Sleep enough.
7. Do not sit too long.
8. Gymnastics/sports routine


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