Cari Blog Ini

Vagina powder can trigger cancer?

Written By TT on Monday, July 12, 2010 | 8:24 PM

As quoted from - indiscriminate use of the powder can be bad for babies. In fact, doctors do not recommend parents to provide a powder on the girls because vital organs can cause reproductive problems during adulthood, even cancer.

Then, what to do if your child already often used the powder in the vagina? According to Dr Judi Januadi Endjun, SpOG, from the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta, the habit of putting powder on girls sex organs should be stopped.
From now on, parents should also teach children how to live a healthy, natural foods eg, halal and nutritious, not overweight, do not eat junk food, and later when they are adults, do not be late to get married, have kids, and even breastfeeding until 25 months.

In addition, diligent, industrious was went to a gynecologist, especially if her menstrual pain or irregular. Also avoid foods that burned for charcoal can trigger gastric cancer.

Recognize also risk factors in families, for example, there is a close family member affected by breast tumor, ovary, uterus, or gastrointestinal tract. But do not be too stressed to think of it, which is important in the future we fix it.


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