1. Do not Leave Sahur
Sahur is one of a series of religious fasting in Ramadan is highly recommended, in a hadith it is mentioned that "Rasulullah SAW said:" Sahur by you, because the meal, there is a great blessing. "Sahur Why is important for us that run fast?, Currently running fasting body not getting nutrition for about 14 hours. To so the body can perform the function properly, cells of the body requires nutrients and energy in sufficient quantities. For sahur menu should choose foods high in carbohydrate and protein, but avoid too much eating sweet things.
2. Do not Hold Fast Break
After a day of hunger and thirst, of course we are drained of energy, to restore the energy back, when breaking the fast eat simple carbs found in sweet foods. Foods that contain sugar instantly restore our energy drained all day. But try to avoid ice or a fizzy drink, because these types of drinks can make the digestive function normally.
3. Eat In Staged
Usually when I heard drum evening, without waiting for us instantly ate meals provided on the table. This is not a good pattern for health, after a long day does not fill our stomach and digestive organs a rest, you should not eat the meal directly in large quantities. When it is time to break the fast eat sweet foods, like the compote, or drink hot tea, rest a moment, you can use it to run a prayer break sunset while giving time to adjust our digestive organs. Only after praying you can go back to eating heavier foods such as rice and side-dishes. And after tarawih session resumed with a small meal or snack.
4. Do not Leave Sports
Running fast is not meant to stop the total exercise. Precisely fixed physical activity needed to maintain the smooth circulation of blood so that we can not easily sluggish. But for this business select mild exercise which does not require an excess of energy, such as jog or walk. We recommend that you do ahead of time breaking sports. Tarawih addition to worship as well as a means of maintaining physical fitness for the same time as performing tarawih by burning calories.
5. Enough Water Consumption
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