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Diseases Caused by Soft Drinks

Written By TT on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 | 1:46 AM

You buff soft drinks? From now on, be careful. You should know that behind a refreshing taste sensation, soft drinks keep a serious danger to the body.

What are the dangers of soft drinks?

Threatening Kidney

United States conducts research on the dangers of 3256. They regularly consume soft drinks at least 2 times a day. The result, as much as 30% of respondents suffered kidney damage and decreased function.

Diseases caused by soft drinks

According to experts, it is associated with the content of soft drinks, ie, artificial sweeteners, artificial coloring, caffeine, and phosphoric acid.

Increase Diabetes Risk

The people with diabetes to consume sugar is strictly prohibited. This is because the hormone insulin in the body is not enough, not even able to convert these sugars into the muscle sugar (glycogen). As a result, blood sugar (glucose) will be increased and dangerous.

Remember, diabetes is one disease that could trigger other diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart damage. If you consume lots of soft drinks, in addition to potentially causing diabetes, stroke and coronary heart damage can also occur. It should be noted that diabetes arises not only because of heredity. People who come from normal could be suffering from diabetes.

Increase Obesity Risk

Carbonated beverages rich in calories. Calories that enter the body can increase the risk of obesity. Not only for people who are adults, children can suffer from obesity.

In the United States, rates of obesity in children is very high. One possible cause is soft drinks. The children in the United States consume fizzy drinks like a drink of water. After eating, they'll drink soda. As a result, they are many who suffer from obesity.

Remember, obesity is one of the triggers of the emergence of other diseases. Among diabetes, stroke, coronary heart damage, and various other serious illnesses.

Increase Risk Fragile Bones

One of the content of soft drinks is phosphoric acid. In one study, this phosphoric acid can cause disease of bone fragility. This is because phosphoric acid can dissolve calcium in the bones. As a result, bones become fragile and porous.

Harvard University has made research on this subject. They observed a teenage athlete consumed sodas and who do not consume soft drinks. As a result, teenage athletes consumed carbonated beverages had a broken bone 5 times more teenagers than athletes who do not consume soft drinks.

Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

In a study in the United States, the content of soft drinks is believed as one of the triggers of pancreatic cancer. In that study, 87% of respondents who consume fizzy drinks at least 2 times a day are at increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

Research conducted on 60,524 respondents (consumed soft drinks) for 14 years. As a result, 87% had pancreatic cancer risk, visible through the symptoms.
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