"Arthritis is a disease of chronic nature, and inhibits the activity of the sufferer. Therefore, the scope of joint motion must be maintained so that our movement will be maintained. With gymnastics arthritis, it can be achieved," said Anisa dr.Siti Nuhonni, SpRM, who created the gymnastics rheumatism.
He added, in a normal person, because we're moving on, then our movement will be maintained. "In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, they are hard to move his body because of pain. When not driven, long the joints will be sticky and really can not be moved. This is what we are prevented by physical though," said a doctor from the Division of Medical Rehabilitis RSCM Jakarta.
Gymnastics rheumatic intended for healthy people and patients in a phase of rheumatic disease remission or no recurrence. Gymnastics rheumatic consists of eight components of motion, namely to maintain posture, muscle stretching, range of motion exercises, muscle strengthening exercises, strengthening the heart and lungs, practice balance, coordination, and muscle endurance.
"The essence of gymnastics arthritis is to maintain the maximum range of motion. For example, the hand is able to open, fists, feet or bending the neck can turn around. In rheumatic patients this is difficult," he said.
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