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Characteristics of Infertile Women

Written By TT on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 | 7:47 AM

Characteristics of Infertile Women - Infertility in the language of medicine called a term commonly used to refer to couples who failed to conceive and have a child after trying for a year. Pregnant women who work but always had a miscarriage also be called barren.

Pregnancy is the result of a complex process that consists of

* A woman must produce egg cells are derived from the ovary or ovaries.
* egg cells to move toward the uterus through the fallopian tubes.
* In this journey, the sperm cells from male must fertilize the egg cell.
* The fertilized eggs must then be attached to the inner wall of the uterus.

Infertility occurs when four processes above, the disorder.

Is Infertility only for women?

No, infertility is not just a monopoly of women. Factor is only a third of the total female infertility cases, a third of the male factor and the remaining third is a combination of factors, male and female.

What causes impotence in men?

Infertility in men is generally caused by:

* Disturbance in the plant sperm sperm cells produced little or nothing.
* Disturbances in the ability of sperm cells to reach the egg cell and membuahinya. This problem is usually caused by abnormal sperm shape so that its motion was not normal.

Sometimes the problem is already taken sperm from birth, but the problem could be found after the age of consent.

What causes the risk of infertility in male increased?

Culprit of all this is a lifestyle change. Some lifestyles are not friendly to the sperm, among others:

* Like to drink alcohol.
* Like using drugs.
* Air pollution.
* Smoking.
* other health problems.
* Medicinal drugs are not clear.
* The use of radiation and chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
* Age.

What causes infertility in women?

The most common disorders experienced by infertile women are ovulatory disorders. If ovulation does not occur then there would be no egg can be fertilized. One sign of women with ovulatory disturbances are irregular menstrual periods and not at all.

Other disorders that can cause infertility in women are:

* closure of the hole fallopian tubes caused by infection, surgical removal of endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy.
* Physical Disorders of the uterus.
* myoma uteri.

What causes the increased risk of infertility in women?

* Age.
* Stress.
* Poor nutrition.
* There are too fat and too skinny.
* Smoking.
* Alcohol.
* Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
* health disorder that can affect hormone balance.


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