Benefits of noni fruit for health
Noni is the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree, which is native to the regions of Southeast Asia to Australia and especially in Polynesia. The Morinda citrifolia is a tree of the coffee family, and is known by different names in different parts of the world. Some of the common names of this tree are, Indian mulberry, great morinda, cheese fruits and beach mulberry. This tree can reach a height of about 12 feet. Noni fruit is green in color, but eventually becomes yellowish green when ripened. It can take about 3 months on an average for the noni fruits to ripen. Noni fruits are nowadays increasingly used for making nutritional supplements, as they are known to provide several health benefits. The supplements are mainly available in the form of noni juice.
Some of the most well-known and important health benefits of noni fruits are In the traditional medicine, noni fruit is mainly used for alleviating menstrual cramps, urinary tract infection and bowel problems. An important fact about noni juice benefits is that it contains antibacterial compounds, and so, it can help to control the growth of bacteria like, salmonella and Heliobacter pylori. The compound, scopoletin found in noni can also help to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli.
Noni fruit is immensely rich in vitamin C and many other powerful antioxidants, which can neutralize the free radicals to protect the body cells and tissues from their harmful effects.Several polysaccharides can also be found in noni fruit and its juice, which too can have antibacterial, immune boosting and anti-tumor properties.
The compound scopoletin found in noni can help to lower blood pressure and alleviate inflammation. It can relieve headaches and prevent the overgrowth of fungi in the body, which can be termed as some of the important noni fruit health benefits.
Noni juice may prove effective in lowering the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body as well. Noni has analgesic, as well as anti-inflammatory properties, for which it can help to provide relief in conditions like, arthritis. Apart from these, noni fruit can protect the liver from toxins, increase the level of energy, help to treat skin conditions like, acne, improve the condition of the skin, treat gastric ulcers, reduce allergies and asthma, and provide some protection against cancer.
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