According to new research, tomato is Australia’s and Briton most Googled fruit. People in Australia and the UK are twice as likely to Google tomatoes as apples, the second most common searched for fruits.
World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) found Google lists 53.6 million web pages mentioning tomatoes.
In the UK, bananas and peaches are in third place on the Google search, followed by oranges. Tomatoes also come out top in Canada and New Zealand.
Apples rank second in all of these counties except New Zealand and peaches are the second most favourite fruit. The research was carried out to mark Fruity Friday, which aims to encourage people to eat more fruit and vegetables.
General Manager for the WCRF Teresa Nightingale said: As many people actually think of tomatoes as a vegetable. But although we tend to cook tomatoes in our evening meals, this doesn't change the fact that the tomato is a fruit. Don’t know whether people are looking for information about growing tomatoes or finding out about their nutritional content, but they are the winner by some distance.
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps to reduces risk of cancer.
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