When summer arrives many people go to sea, but often take pair of sunglasses, a hat and a fashionable umbrella with them forget the fact their skin also needs protection. The doctors warned us about the damage of UV exposure and the development of skin cancer or diseases of the skin as a possible result. Also, if you stay in the sun for too long have burned from the sun. No one can deny that the UV rays are useful, why promote metabolism and improve blood circulation in the skin. But to achieve this positive effect can only be in the sun no more than 15 minutes.So if you want to sunbathe on the beach is a need for additional protection. Sunscreens are perfect for this, but you should know what kind it is needed. In search of the most effective sunblock you can buy dozens and then disappointed in more than half of them. According to recent survey customers now prefer sunscreens with natural ingredients.
Doctors say the natural ingredients are not only useful for the skin, but have a capacity to reflect harmful UV rays like a mirror. Here is a short feature natural ingredients coming in a sunscreen that can provide good protection from harmful sun rays:
1- Edelweiss extract - reduces the impact a good antioxidant and protects against the sun's harmful UV rays.
2- Green tea - a powerful antioxidant, prevents the development of cancer of the skin and protects skin from harmful sun rays during sunbathing.
3-Hibiscus - promotes generation of melanin, a substance that works to protect the skin from UV rays.
4-Vitamin E and betakarotin - antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals.
5-Aloe - an antioxidant, protects skin from UV rays. Among other natural substances to protect against environmental influences can be negative Sun: extracts of calendula and chamomile, avocado, sesame oil, etc.
So, as you already know natural ingredients are great ... but only for women under 30 with olive skin. But if you have fair skin and are older than the period referred to above can not do without chemical sunscreens with ingredients like these provide a stronger protection.
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