Benefits of Blueberry Fruit for health, Blueberries (Vaccinum corymbosum) contains potassium which is beneficial for:
- Controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients
- Prevent the development of renal vascular damage, glomerular and tubular
- Lower risk of stroke
- Decrease urinary calcium excretion and decrease the formation of kidney stones
- Decrease bone demineralization (osteoporosis)
- Lowers the risk of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with cardiac ischemia, heart failure, and right ventricular hypertrophy
Blueberries also contain the chemical element manganese which is anti-inflammatory substances, which will indirectly our blood flow and increased memory capacity. As expressed by Jeremy Spencer from the Department Office of Food Bioscience, UK, quoted by the BBC, "Our research has shown that blueberries are very good for you and can increase the memory capacity".
Some other Benefits of Blueberry Fruit:
- Keeping nitric oxide substances that make the artery walls remain flexible so as to prevent the occurrence of heart disease.
- Lowers cholesterol and protects the liver due to ciprofibrate elements contained therein.
- Increase the blood-forming substance is very good for women thanks to its iron content of the substance.
- Anti-Oxidant (content of anthocyanin compounds) that can prevent aging.
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