Cari Blog Ini

10 Business Blog Posts

Written By TT on Friday, March 16, 2012 | 11:26 PM

What should I write about on my business blog? That's a question I hear frequently. My first response is that any post that adds value to your readers is a good post. They're coming to your blog for your expertise, tips and more. The most important thing is that your blog doesn't just regurgitate corporate rhetoric. Instead, your business blog must be useful and invite visitors to join the conversation making it highly interactive. The power of a blog comes from the community that develops around it. Write posts that your community wants to read. Check out the 10 business blog post ideas below for inspiration.

1. Answer Questions
If your company receives questions via email, blog comments, or even in person, then you already have great blog posts percolating! If one customer or reader has a question, you can bet there are other people who have the same question. Answering reader or customer questions is a great way to create a series of posts. For example, you can create a "Monday Questions" post. Every Monday, your readers will know that there will be a question and answer waiting on your company's blog for them!

2. Ask Questions
Invite your readers to add their opinions to your blog. You can do this by posing a question in a post and asking readers to leave comments with their opinions or post a poll through PollDaddy or another poll tool. Typically, your question posts should be related to your business in some way, but that's not a hard and fast rule. Don't be afraid to have fun and let your blog reflect your personality and your company's brand by publishing fun or offbeat questions sometimes.

3. Conduct an Interview
You can contact a customer, distributor, supplier, manufacturer, or even an employee and ask if they would be interested in answering some questions to appear in an interview on your blog. Most people don't mind the online exposure and interviews give your blog readers an inside look into your business.

4. Highlight Your Office, Employees and So On
Another way to give your blog readers a view into your business and help them make a personal connection with it (which leads to customer loyalty) is by inviting them behind the scenes. Post photos and stories about employees or photos of your office. Write about company events or anything else that lets your readers feel like they're part of your "family."

5. Predict or Critique Trends
Either take the plunge and make predictions for future trends related to your business or critique trends from other experts. Discussing trends is a great way to make your readers feel more educated about your business and industry, and it offers readers an opportunity to add their own opinions.

6. Create a Vlog
Take your digital video camera with you and capture videos of employees, events, customers, and so on. Videos are a great way to make your blog interactive and show a completely different side of you and your company. They can also be educational or just plain fun. Follow the link to learn how to create a vlog in 10 easy steps.

7. Invite Guest Bloggers
Invite industry experts, employees or even customers to write guest blog posts. Blog visitors love to read different opinions and voices sometimes.

8. Provide Tutorials or Product Demonstrations
You can create screencast tutorials showing visitors how to use your products or videos demonstrating your products to visitors. Both screencasts and videos are not only useful to visitors, but they're also interactive!

9. Reviews
Your business blog visitors look to you as the expert in your industry. Help them by reviewing products and services related to your business and show them why you like or dislike certain products.

10. Lists
People love lists. You can incorporate lists into your business blog that help your customers or simply add some fun to your blog. For example, create lists of the top 10 books related to your industry, the top 5 do's and don'ts related to using one of your products, and so on. Don't be afraid to get creative!


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