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Function of vitamin D for health

Written By TT on Friday, March 30, 2012 | 11:33 PM

Function of vitamin D for healthVitamin D plays an important role for the health of the human body. Vitamin D plays a major role as a maker of bone calcium and amplifier. Vitamin D can also prevent someone from colon cancer and various disorders sclerosis. A study conducted recently at the University of Colorado, the United States found that Vitamin D can also prevent someone from tampering respiratory infections including colds and flu.

For people who already suffer from one respiratory problems like asthma, vitamin D deficiency would make the disease worse.Those who are asthmatic but consume less vitamin D five times higher risk of infectious disorders. 

Meanwhile, those with lung problems will have two times higher risk.The researchers found that those who are deficient in vitamin D will be susceptible to respiratory problems than those who have a vitamin D sufficient. "We do still need to do a series of trials as we had planned in order to really be able to prove that the adequacy of vitamin D a major impact on reducing the risk of several diseases such as the results we have found so far, 'said Dr. Adit Ginde, head of research at the University of Colorado. 

The results of these studies have been published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.The study involved volunteers aged 12 years and over with an average age of 38 years. Three quarters of the whites. In that study, volunteers were asked to give them the necessary blood samples to measure levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D. Dr. Ginde further said that vitamin D is necessary for someone to have strong bones, but also increases the body's immune system.

Opinion was also confirmed by Lona Sandon, an assistant clinical professor of nutrition University of Texas who was also a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. "The relationship between vitamin D and the immune system very closely because once a person's vitamin D deficiency, that's when his immune system is not functioning properly," he said. Sandon also said that one should not expect a source of vitamin D from food alone. "Sources of vitamin D is best derived from salmon bones and three cups of milk every day, but because not everyone can do it then I suggest go out to get sunlight, especially between 11 am to 1 pm. Spend about 15 minutes between the second time.

Dermatologists often recommend people that while the "sun" is very useful in preventing skin cancer, Sandon explained to his argument.Perhaps for those who work indoors, at the right time to do it is during recess or lunch. The opportunity was too good to be able to move your muscles.

Sources: Alan Mozes @ Yahoo! Health


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