Efficacy and benefits of Papaya Fruit for beauty. Papaya is not only men that can be utilized, almost from all parts of the papaya can be utilized. Starting from the root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, bark, sap even have properties that are useful for the body.
According to VN Villegas in his article published Vegetable Resources of Southeast Asia 2: Fruits Edible, about 60 percent of the ripe papaya can be eaten.
Every 100 grams of papaya contains an average of 86.6 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 12.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 0.5 g ash, 34 mg calcium, 11 mg phosphorus, 1 mg iron, 3 mg potassium, 450 mg vitamin A, vitamin C 74 mg, 0.03 mg tiamina, 0.5 mg niasina, and 0.04 mg of riboflavin. The energy value kJ/100 200 grams and is the main sugar content of sucrose (48.3 percent), glucose (29.8 percent), and fructose (21.9 percent) Aside from being a fruit that can be obtained throughout the year, the papaya salad is also used for materials, beverages, jelly, jam, cakes, and frozen fruit.
In Java, the flowers also made candied papaya and young leaves or herbs for a side dish. Karpaina, a kind of alkaloid contained in papaya can be used to reduce heart disease, anti-amoebic drugs, and drug urine laxative.
Did you know that papaya fruit also had a very good therapeutic effect?
particularly for women such as beauty therapy slimming, toning and youthful breasts
Slimming Body
Papaya fruits arrange to have property of the body. Diligently taking papaya enzyme can generate double the ripe papaya. Well, this enzyme acts as a decomposition of fat in our body. These enzymes break down proteins are also better and healing of excess flesh.
Breast Tightening
Papaya in trust by our ancestors long ago as the fruit that can tighten the breast. Enzymes in papaya can help breast growth resulting in more firm and supple. Papaya is also fortified with vitamin D hormone fasteners and female hormones that stimulate spending and stimulate the ovaries release the female hormone.Mammary glands of these hormones will be smooth and shape of the ideal breast.
Levels of vitamin C in papaya is 48 times that of apples!. Papaya is also active as a detoxification so it can refresh the skin from within.Papaya can also promote skin metabolism processes. Papaya is also a good melt the layers of skin aging and substance arising horn dipori pores so the skin firmer and brighter. So, from now on be diligent wear facial masks papaya fruit or papaya.
Here are some of the benefits of papaya fruit for the health of our bodies:
- Papaya fruit contains a variety of enzymes, vitamins and minerals.In fact it contains more vitamin A than carrots and more vitamin C than oranges. Also rich in vitamin B complex and vitamin E.
· Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and has the ability to accelerate the process of protein digestion. Digest the protein is a major problem commonly faced by many people in the daily diet. The body has limited due to lack of protein mencerba spending hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
· Levels of protein in papaya fruit is not very high, only 4-6 grams per kilogram weight of the fruit. But this small amount of the almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This is due to the enzyme papain in papaya able to digest the substance as much as 35 times larger than its size alone. The digestibility of the protein is reminiscent to more carefully select the food, that food that contains high protein tenti not be beneficial to the body. What matters is whether or not the protein is easily absorbed by the body.
· Papain can break down proteins into arginine. Arginine compound is one of the essential amino acids in normal conditions can not be produced by the body and obtained through foods such as eggs and yeast. However, if the enzyme papain pencerbaan protein involved in the process, naturally some proteins can be converted into arginine.
The process of formation of arginine with papain also affect the production of human growth hormone is popularly known as human growth hormone (HSG), because arginine is a full mandatory in the formation of HGH. Well, HGH is that helps improve muscle tone and reduce fat accumulation in the body. Other important information, laboratory tests showed arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
· Papain can also break down foods containing protein compounds to form various amino acids that are autointoxicating or automatically removes unwanted substances formation due to incomplete digestion. High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, epilepsy and diabetes are diseases that arise due to the process of digestion is not perfect. Papain is not always able to prevent it, but at least to minimize the negative effects that arise. What is clear papain can help make the process pencenaan better food.
· Papain helps the arrangement of amino acids and help detoxify the body. In this way the immune system can be improved.
· Papaya can also speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. The enzyme papain can break down the fibers of the meat, making it more digestible. No wonder the papaya meat tenderizer is often used as a material, especially for the manufacture of cooking kebabs or stews.
· Papaya has antiseptic properties and helps prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the gut. Papaya helps normalize the pH of the intestine so that the situation became normal intestinal flora.
· Papain formed in all parts of the fruit, good skin, flesh, and seeds.So it should be fully utilized papaya. In fact, for those who have digestive problems, it is advisable to eat papaya fruit and its seeds.
· The fruit is still half-baked mengkal or have a higher nutrient content than ripe fruit. But women who want to have children or are pregnant are prohibited from eating them, because the raw fruit and mengkal have the effect of the womb.
Because the effects of this one, in many countries such as Papua New Guinea and Peru, papaya is used as a contraceptive. Advice for pregnant women, if you want to get the properties of papaya, eat only the ripe fruit
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